Original article writing by Alexandra Levit can be found here  Will powering down from the job really make us more successful and pro...

Will working less make us more productive?

Original article writing by Alexandra Levit can be found here 

Will powering down from the job really make us more successful and productive, France thinks so.
As of the first of the year the passes the "Right to disconnect" law, which tells organizations with more that employees that have to let their workforce "switch off" during none business hours, or at least a compromised time for non-work related items. This is to help employees from feeling burnt out due to over working. 

- Prevents employees from being overworked
- Allows employees to spend time with family
- Creates a better work/life balance and integration

- The same schedule doesn't work for everyone
- This could effect how the conduct business in other time zones
- Could cause more stress due to stricter times lines/dead lines

I personally think that making sure employees have carved out personal and family time could really improve their motivation and happiness, but as the article says everyone likes to work at different times. Many of us work odd schedules, but there always needs to be time for yourself and your loved ones.